Friday, January 1, 2010

The Start of a Fantastic Decade

Growing up, I have always been a kid who loves the country. I love the mountains, deserts, high plains and basically anything in between that doesn't have other houses around. I was enchanted by movies of cowboys and indians, and I decided that I wanted to be one or the other when I grew up. With the ranch I have in Wyoming, I was able to let my heart and imagination run free. My favorite summers were when I was still in elementary school back packing into the Wind Rivers and spending time at the ranch. When I was still too young to hunt, my Dad used to take my older brothers deer and pheasant hunting every year. With him getting busy at work, and development pushing our hunting grounds further and further away, the hunting trips became less frequent. Then, as I got into junior high and high school sports it was the practicing that kept me from any hunting trips that were planned. After graduating this past June, I finally had some free time to do the things my heart really longed to do. It was time for me to hunt and fish, and from the way things went, it was the start of what is going to be a fantastic decade.

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